Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Diamond Muffin and Tue Are Momma's Woo Hoo!

Well we have several birth announcements. Its been a busy couple weeks.

First to give birth was My little girl Tue. Tue had 4 beautiful babies. 2 white males and 1 black and tan male (named Zeus) and 1 black and tan female. Tue had her babies on March 25th. Here are a few pictures taken later that night or maybe the next day. LOL I don't remember which.




Next was Muffin. This was her first litter and she did real well. She had 5 babies. 4 girls and 1 poor lonely little boy. Bless his little heart. They are gonna gang up on him LMAO. Muffin had her babies the day after Tue. Here are a few pictures of Muffin and her beautiful bunch.




Last but not least is Diamond. Diamond is my stunning Merle Pom. She had her babies this last sunday. She had 2 merle boys and a black and white party female. I was blown away by Diamonds babies. All 3 are so beautiful. Here are pictures of her babies.









I also wanted to show everyone a current picture of Cassie aka Pru. She is Dahlila and Scamps little (and I mean LITTLE) girl. She is a little spit fire LOL.




Well I guess that is it for a while. I will take new pictures of Tue's babies and get them up in a couple days. Also want to mention that the 2 male Cavalier's that needed forever homes have found them. Also little Snicker's has himself a new forever home as well. Thanks for reading and see ya in a couple days.

1 comment:

Tinabooker said...

The Bookers have been blessed with 2 beautiful puppies. We would give Pak Kenells a 10 for quality and caring for their pups. Homer and Polly are great puppies and have brought joy into our home. They are in perfect heath and came from a loving evironment.
Thanks for everything!
Tina Booker